Saturday, April 5, 2008

Is the Apprentice Challenge only a game?

It is almost 9pm. Couple boys sitting in front of me keep constantly moving to their I-pod’s music and bumping their chairs into my laptop (something similar to the upper body dancing right in front of you just 100 times more annoying). Plain starts shaking – another “air hole”. Only one hour left. So many thoughts, questions, disappointments and excitements … For a second I even stop breathing. Ok, you fine – keep writing – I tell to myself and start moving my finger tips from one letter to another: e v e r y t h i n g w i l l b e o k.
My favorite color is clear and I am single, oh and I also have a huge discount for the flight tickets” – I hear our flight attendant joking. Hmm.. clear, single, discount.. where was I? All of sudden people start moving around – “yes I would like a glass of water, thanks.” Crazy, there is no fog or clouds in the sky, just tiny lights and overwhelmingly calm darkness. Beautiful.

Today I was thinking a lot… I thought about the rules, expectations and structure of this challenge, about my old team and the new one… Is the Apprentice Challenge only a game? If no, what is it for me, what am I getting from it, is it worth it? People say things happen for the reason. Today I really want to believe it. I am curious to find out the reason of me leaving my team. I guess time will show. So far I know, it is tough to change the teams, however, I know it is worth it.
Once Noah told me that along with the stress and sleepless nights we must have fun while participating in this challenge. I agree we should enjoy ourselves while working with each other… Today I think, that the Apprentice Challenge is not only about executing all projects in the most beneficial manner, it is also about building our relationship with not only successful, intelligent business people, but also with each other.
I loved working with my team 5280 Closers. David, Noah, Erin, Heidi – they all are my rock stars. Guys, working together on three projects was more than fun, I learned a lot from each of you, and even now, when you are not my official team mates I wish you all the best while working on the last project. I am sure we will definitely rock some surface in the future.
Now I have to switch the teams… Just leave. Strange. I know it won’t be easy… First, I am not familiar with strength, weaknesses and work ethics of my new team mates, as they don’t know mine. Second, 5280 Closers and I already started planning for our 4th project so it will be weird switching sides. Also, I got used to cheering for them and worrying about my ex team mates. I am not saying that I am not excited about working with 4 members from A Team, it is just hard to be the one to leave people I’ve been working with for 4 months now.
I don’t know what will happen while working on the 4th project. I am sure that no matter what it will be interesting and rewarding. I am excited to get to know better Chris, Kaleigh, Ashley and Cindy. I think, Ben and I will have the best perspective of all participants and their input in the project due to the sudden team exchange. I like this idea. I am happy to be able to exchange my knowledge and experience with 8 instead of 4 people, and to learn even more from them. So bring it on!

p.s. The Apprentice Challenge for me is not only a game, it is a life changing experience... And believe me, I enjoy every second of it...

1 comment:

David said...

Once a Closer, always a Closer! We miss you G!